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FRIDAY news - august 1

Hello Diggers,

weekend is not here until Friday News comes out! Today we bring new developments for our platform that have been requested by the community for quite some time. We are always listening to you and we know we’ve said this before but your feedback is really important for us, so keep giving us your thoughts on how to improve our platform.

Our goal is to fully automate Dig for it! in the near future to make everything easier for you Diggers and to keep the platform up to date with the current developments of Blockchain technology. And these days we took one big step forward to the automatization of our platform.

This week we dedicated some time off of the New Game to finish a new SCC auto-buyback system so we are always getting SCC Tokens back before the burnout and we don’t have to manually operate this slightly tedious task.

SCC Auto-BuyBack System: how does it work?

This new system works this way: depending on the amount of TRX in the wallet the system adds a certain amount of TRX to be purchased. If the amount is less than how much the exchange needs, it waits for another buying cycle.

When the system exceeds a set minimum, the purchase is automatically made by market price at the Exchange that has the cheapest SCC at that moment. The check and purchase cycle takes place every 60 seconds.

scc auto-buyback system

The quantity to buy is the following depending on the TRX stored in the wallet:

  • > 1000000 TRX = buy in SCC for 100 TRX each 60s
  • > 100000 TRX = buy in SCC for 10 TRX each 60s
  • > 10000 TRX = buy in SCC for 1 TRX each 60s
  • > 1000 TRX = buy in SCC for 0.1 TRX each 60s
  • > 100 TRX = buy in SCC for 0.01 TRX each 60s
  • > 10 TRX = buy in SCC for 0.001 TRX each 60s
  • > 1 TRX = buy in SCC for 0.0001 TRX each 60s
  • > 0 TRX = buy in SCC for 0.0001 TRX each 60s

As a side note we would like to thank Car-cripto for his contributions to our platform, specially for his prototype and design of this SCC auto-buyback system. Our most sincerely gratitude to him for the great effort he puts into improving the community and the platform; we appreciate the time he dedicates and we want show our appreciation for him in public and private as well.

New Game: server configuration

As we’ve said before we are really proud about how things are working out with the New Game. Last week we got the game server fully operational and ready to implement the whole in-game mechanics. We learnt so much from Lucky Dig and the whole team is giving everything they have to make this second installment a big success.

Minor things we are discussing right now are for example the definitive name for the game, right now it has a codename but we know it will have two words.

We are also discussing visual feedback for the player, continuously brainstorming to find the perfect representation of what needs to be communicated to our old and new Diggers once the game is launched and they are digging for prizes. This is no easy task because the new game has deeper and new mechanics but we are confident we will get it done right.

And that’s it for this week’s Friday News. It is always a pleasure to communicate with you guys and as we always say: remember to give us your thoughts and feedback in the comments below or in our Telegram Group.

Have a nice Weekend and see your next Friday!

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