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friday news are back

You requested it and we obliged, Friday News are back by popular demand and this week we have literally a ton of features and news to share with you. But first we would like to stop for a second to thank you guys for being an awesome community and for the support and feedback we get from you.

Lots of tasks to check, late night developers chat and overall a lot work can be weakening at times, but you guys always find the way to keep ourselves motivated and with a strong will to keep pushing this project forward. You are the very best TRON community and we really mean it.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff:

Friday News

Prize Improvement

All chest rewards have been improved and biggest prize now in DIG for It platform is now 10 MM TRX. You can access this massive jackpot playing in the 10×10 super map.

New jackpot prize 10 MM TRX 02 - friday news

As from now on we will award more prizes to our Diggers and each play will be cheaper, giving you more winrate while reducing variance. Now you DIGs will last longer and you get better return of your investment.

Before there were huge prizes in the main board, that caused a lot of variance specially in direct return. You could empty your wallet fast or get a really good board and win big. Now we reduced that variance because we gave more percentage to the Digger.

Simplify the Prize System

We reviewed the list of direct prizes so these prizes will be awarded way more frequently, this way Diggers get more return and the list of prizes can be shortened, therefore making it more simple and improving user experience.

new reward system - friday news

Small Chest Prize Increase

The Small Chests will award better prizes now. In the old system these small chests could award smaller prizes than some direct prizes, we balanced the system so this will no longer happen.

Auto Betting System (BETA)

This may be one of the most requested features. Right now we are releasing it in a fully functional and tested Tool, but we want to check how the community react to it. This is how it works right now but improvements may come in time:

  • Bot reveals each board for each iteration
  • It will keep working until you run out of DIGs or you push on it again
  • If you want to use it we strongly recommend to buy only the DIGs you want to spend

auto betting Robot - friday news

As we said this new digging Tool is experimental and it’s in BETA phase. As usual your feedback and suggestions are key for us and feel free to get back to us, via our telegram group, comments on this post or any other way that suits you.

New Game

Kept you waiting, huh? We are on schedule and keep working hard to release our new game next month. As we are advancing in this new project we find new ideas to polish Dig for It! and to improve the overall experience for you guys in our platform, and many changes we are discussing today are the direct result of this  process.

And this is all we can say at the moment. Hope you like this reboot of our Friday News reboot. See you guys next Friday! Good Diggin’!

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